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Saturday, May 9, 2009
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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Anything about a makeover does definitely refer to hairstyle. Getting a haircut is the best way to feel confident. It is surely to be noted that the haircuts have to be adhered to fashion trends and also need to suit the face shape. Other factors also include the life style of the person and the age factor. If the person is an executive in an office then in a corporate atmosphere a loud red hair colour or spikes would seem inappropriate. At the same time it is also nice to add a little colour and experiment with so many style options for a one time occasion.medium-haircuts-tips

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Picture
Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Picture
Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Picture
Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Picture
Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Picture
Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Picture

Mischa Barton Hair styles

Here are some pictures of Mischa Barton hairstyles.I love her beautiful long blonde hair.
Mischa Barton is teaming up with Stacey Lapidus to design a line of hair accessories. Her love for headbands and tiaras had finally paid off, and we can’t wait to see what they’re gonna look like.

Mischa Barton Hair styles

Mischa Barton Hair styles

Mischa Barton Hair styles

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here is how this magic hair oil works

This hot new hair oil seeps naturally and safely into your scalp, where it detoxifies the blood, exfoliate the pores of your scalp and stops DHT from being produced thereby allowing super fast hair growth…no other system does this safely , naturally or as quickly…In fact other well known hair systems, contain harmful chemical drugs and toxins that give you temporary hair growth but at the cost of you later experiencing chronic and permanent hair loss…together with a host of other horrible disease like birth defects, hair loss, itchy scalp, scalp irritations and a loss of libido!

Don’t believe me, take a look at the label of any hair style product you have in your washroom and ask yourself if you would ever eat that! But that is exactly what you are doing when you use these chemical products; you are poisoning your scalp and blood by applying that garbage onto your hair and scalp!

But not with this magic hair oil I discovered – because it contains only 100% natural and organic material, that have a time tested 5000 year old track record of growing more hair safely and naturally super fast…

“Gorgeous Heavenly Hair”

… What was their secret? I went berserk, I wanted to know. I too wanted long, thick youthful hair, I too wanted silky hair, hair that did not age prematurely, I wanted hair as beautiful and gorgeous as these ladies and now that I had found a potential secret I went after it like a hungry shark on a feeding frenzy!

So being the inquisitive person I was, I actually went to the village where it all begun some 5000 years ago…a small remote village 14000 ft feet above sea a place so remote in the Southern part of India , that there were no cars of even roads to get there….

But I was determined and I researched and I found the answer…I found out that the Indian medicine men had discovered a hair tonic that contains a very rare and powerful herbal oil and had preserved these findings in 5000 year old wooden parchments (that are housed in a 5000 year old golden temple) ….it was a time proven science and it was truly unbelievable at what this magic hair oil could do.

Grow thick, long, super manageable hair super fast!-Let Me Explain How This Magical Hair Oil Really Works…

You see, the hair on your head is dead! Dead as a door nail! What might surprise you is that at any one time your hair is under 3 stages of growth- the anagen, catagen and telogen phases. The anagen phase is where all the growth of your hair takes place….at any one time in healthy hair 88% of your hair is in the anagen phase…but if you hair is like mine and like most other women your hair is not growing any where close to the normal 88%, in fact you are probably only experiencing about 20% of the natural hair growth you should be getting. That is why you can’t grow healthy, thicker and more manageable hair….

You see, the reason why your hair is not in the anagen phase is because of three main reasons. First, you have an abundance of DHT in your scalp-DHT is a male hormone that stops hair growth by choking your hair follicles at the roots so they get thinner and eventually die and fall out. Second you don’t have the right circulation of blood to “feed” your growing hair follicles...and finally your hair follicles are being plugged and clogged at the surface. You see, commercial drug store shampoos, hair care treatments and conditioners contain a large concentration of petroleum and toxins that can build up on your scalp and clog your hair shaft! The result is a fast thining and graying of your hair and hair that absolutely refuses to grow!

hair tips

Here is how I discovered the secrets to longer, thicker, healthy , shinny and more manageable hair…

One Hot July day while visiting India on a business trip, I stumbled across the south Brahmi girls…these women were and are still known in India as having the longest, most beautiful hair in the world ….so much so they even made the nomination Into the Guinness book of records (1998)…and it blew my mind when I found out how they were able to achieve this stunning beautiful hair even in the scalding 110 degree heat and 90% relative humidity…. Even the older generation brahimi girls had ultra thick, silky manageable hair without a hint of grey or thinning!

The Hair Growing Secrets Of The India Brahmi Girls Finally Revealed!

I am no scientist but from experience as a woman- I would expect with that kind of hostile environment that you and I would automatically have frizzy, damaged and uncontrollable hair …and we certainly wouldn’t expect to grow hair fast under these conditions…

But these women had hair that averaged an enviable 4-5 feet in length, with no split ends, no frizz, no knots, no graying spots, and no thinning hair just ultra smooth, shinning, flowing, silky and thick hair. They had hair so manageable and so healthy they never had to brush their hair for longer than 5 minutes …they had

about hair tips

Best part: It works with oily, dry or normal hair and works whether you have wavy, kinky, straight, fine, thick, medium, permed , chemically treated or curly hair
Discover the ancient hair growing secrets of the Indian brahim girls who have the longest most beautiful hair in the world even with scalding 110 degree heat and blasting 90 % humidity…

Now you to can use their secrets to grow longer, silkier ,thicker and more manageable hair.

Plus: These secrets will also stop dandruff dead in its tracks, banish psoriases, eliminate any itching of your scalp, put a dead stop on premature graying hair and stop hair loss! And it even goes a step further , giving you soft , manageable and gorgeous hair allowing you to instantly eliminate knots, split ends and annoying flyaways without having to spend hours trying to fix your hair!

Shameless over promising? Not at all

Hello ladies, my name is Eva,

I am a 35 year old single career woman, I have a busy life and I try to keep in shape by going to the gym 2-3 times a week and eating right… but a life long frustration of mine has been my hair…it seems I have the slowest growing and unmanageable hair possible!

My hair is fine and straight and it is a nightmare to do anything with it! In fact, a few years ago I felt my hair was thinning and falling out and I could see signs of graying, this scared the living day lights out of me…I mean I do not want to look old (at least not yet)…

...and talk about having knotty tangled hair that would just not corporate with me even when I applied leave in conditioner and hot oil onto it!

It just drove me insane with frustration, so I went on a rampage trying to find a product that actually could help my hair …my hairstylist recommended a few products on the market but nothing really seemed to work and of the few that did work, the results were temporary at best and disappeared the moment I stopped using them…

I tried shampoos that said would grow my hair, I tried products like Rogaine and Procepia (Hair growth formulas) but nothing worked and to add insult to injury I got a host of side effects-including psoriasis, itchy scalp and I even begun to lose my libido…certainly not worth the risk

And added to my thinning, unmanageable and graying hair was the fact that I always seemed to have a bad hair day-no matter what treatment I applied to my hair-it just refused to cooperate! My hair was brittle, dry and unmanageable.

I mean it took me a hellish forty five minutes and sometimes one and a half hours to try to style my hair in the morning, only to have it do whatever it wanted in the end-Talk of an extreme bad hair day! This would completely mess my day up....

I am sure you can relate to this, how often have you had a bad hair day from completely ruins your day…you seem to hate the world, you feel insecure…you still feel ugly…it is truly disgusting, after a few years of trying everything out there I was left with fine, thinning, brittle , uncontrollable hair…

So in desperation I quit seeing my hairstylist and resorted to tying my hair up in a bun….I tried desperately to hide my terrible hair...

I did that for 2 years! And the more I did that, the worse my hair became...I was beginning to look old…. –and it hit me hard when one day I came across a long seen cousin who asked me if I were sick- apparently because my hair had aged at least 10 years! I lost it inside! That was the last straw….but I still did not know what to do until fortune smiled upon me

hair oil

Miracle Hair Oil of the Elite Indian Beauties! A Rare, Ancient East Indian Beauty Secret Can Now Be Yours!...Risk-Free and 100% Guaranteeed

Newly discovered ancient hair growing formula gets your hair to grow 2-3 inches a month rather than the usual .5- inches! Plus it ensures you will never have a bad hair day and stimulates the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will get you noticed wherever you go! Now you can say good bye to fine, limp brittle hair forever and instantly get thick, volumous hair… this hair oil does it all in one single 2 minute application!

hair style

hair style

hair style

hair style
