… What was their secret? I went berserk, I wanted to know. I too wanted long, thick youthful hair, I too wanted silky hair, hair that did not age prematurely, I wanted hair as beautiful and gorgeous as these ladies and now that I had found a potential secret I went after it like a hungry shark on a feeding frenzy!
So being the inquisitive person I was, I actually went to the village where it all begun some 5000 years ago…a small remote village 14000 ft feet above sea level...in a place so remote in the Southern part of India , that there were no cars of even roads to get there….
But I was determined and I researched and I found the answer…I found out that the Indian medicine men had discovered a hair tonic that contains a very rare and powerful herbal oil and had preserved these findings in 5000 year old wooden parchments (that are housed in a 5000 year old golden temple) ….it was a time proven science and it was truly unbelievable at what this magic hair oil could do.
Grow thick, long, super manageable hair super fast!-Let Me Explain How This Magical Hair Oil Really Works…
You see, the hair on your head is dead! Dead as a door nail! What might surprise you is that at any one time your hair is under 3 stages of growth- the anagen, catagen and telogen phases. The anagen phase is where all the growth of your hair takes place….at any one time in healthy hair 88% of your hair is in the anagen phase…but if you hair is like mine and like most other women your hair is not growing any where close to the normal 88%, in fact you are probably only experiencing about 20% of the natural hair growth you should be getting. That is why you can’t grow healthy, thicker and more manageable hair….
You see, the reason why your hair is not in the anagen phase is because of three main reasons. First, you have an abundance of DHT in your scalp-DHT is a male hormone that stops hair growth by choking your hair follicles at the roots so they get thinner and eventually die and fall out. Second you don’t have the right circulation of blood to “feed” your growing hair follicles...and finally your hair follicles are being plugged and clogged at the surface. You see, commercial drug store shampoos, hair care treatments and conditioners contain a large concentration of petroleum and toxins that can build up on your scalp and clog your hair shaft! The result is a fast thining and graying of your hair and hair that absolutely refuses to grow!
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